Ana Perduv’s Zucchini Pie: Cooking WIth A Pin Up #1

Welcome to Sad Man’s Tongue “Cooking With A Pin Up.” The recipes here are featured recipes from Pin Up Models who have sent in their recipe to us and we have cooked in our kitchen. We are very greatfull for their participation in such a fun topic. If you would like to be featured here just contact us at
Ana, who also likes to cook and collect recipes sent us one of her recipes for a zucchini pie which we have cooked off here at Sad Man’s Tongue for the rest of you to enjoy. Ana was super cool when we asked her to participate in our new series and was gracious enough to send us over two recipes. Recipe number two, a tasty dessert, you will find out about tomorrow.

For the Pastry Dough:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
4oz butter cubed from the freezer
4 tablespoons cold water
In a mixing bowl combine your flour, salt, and butter and begin to mix. Add the cold water 1 tbl at a time until all the flour has been incorporated. You may need to add more water, but make sure the water is as cold as possible as you do not want the butter to melt.
Remove the ball of dough from the mixer and place on a floured surface. Roll out and place in 9 inch pie pan. Place in fridge while you make the filling. You will see some patch work in the picture since I have not yet mastered the art of fresh pie dough.
For The Filling
6 zucchini
Pastry Dough for a 9” Pie
2 eggs
200g of Heavy cream
30 g grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tbl spoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon olive oil
Take your eggs, heavy cream, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and olive oil and place in a mixing bowl. Beat until smooth and incorporated. Grate 5 zucchini and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Place your mixture in your pie pan that you had in the fridge and place in a preheated oven at 210 Celsius for ten minutes.
While it is baking cut some thin slices from the rest of your zucchini to use as a lattice top. After baking for 10 minutes place the thin layers on top of the pie to form a lattice top and place back in the oven. Reduce temperature to 180 Celsius and bake for another 20 minutes.
While it sure came out beautiful, it does not compare to Ana’s Beauty.
We can’t wait to try out Ana’s recipe tomorrow and can’t help wondering what Ana might look like covered in chocolate. But that is just a dream. A big thank you to Ana for her being so cool in participating in our new series and we hope that she will send us other great recipes to try out.